Home Meetings Meetings September 17, 2005

September 17, 2005

September 17, 2005

Defenders of the Black Hills, PO Box 2003, Rapid City, SD 57709

Sept. 17, 2005, Meeting Notes:

Opening Prayer:? Gladys Bird Horse


Bear Butte:? Discussion was on strategies to protect Bear Butte.

1.? Contact churches. This can be accomplished by anyone talking to their priest, minister, pastor,? rabbi.? Most churches would not want a bar built next to their church. Why is it permissible to do this next to a Native American? place of prayer? Chas Jewitt and Democracy in Action? will also? assist in contacting local ministers, and Chas, Charmaine,and Carter will speak at the Ministerial? Alliance meeting on Sept. 27 in? Rapid City. (See editorial, Lakota Country Times, Sept. 14-20, 2005, ?Do we allow bars next to churches??, p. A4)
2. Letters to the Editor.? Anyone can do this.? Simple letters stating what Bear Butte means to a person, and why it needs to be kept sacred will help educate the public.
Addresses of some newspapers to contact:

Rapid City Journal, 507 Main St., Rapid City, SD 57701

Meade County Times-Tribune, 1022 Main St., Sturgis, SD 57785

Lakota Country Times, PO Box 406, Kyle, SD 57752

Native Voice, 1021 St. Joseph St., Rapid City, SD 57701

Lakota Journal, 1321 Concourse Dr., Rapid City, SD 57703

Indian Country Today, 3059 Seneca Turnpike, Canastota, NY 13032

3.? Carter?s Letter to the Editor is on the Internet and will be? posted on the website. It can also be copied and handed out to others. (Enclosed)
4.? Letters? will be sent to all Native Nations that pray at Bear? Butte. Carter?s draft? letter with edits? was available for comment. (Enclosed) Organizations and groups can also pass resolutions to send to the Meade County Commissioners, and others.
5.? Contacts? should? be made with the residents of? Meade Co. particularly? those living? along Highway 79? near the proposed development.
6.? Attend Meade County Commissioners meeting and explain what Bear Butte? means? and ask that no liquor licenses be issued near Bear Butte. (UPDATE:? Defenders is on the agenda for the Tues., Oct. 4, 2005, meeting of the Meade County Commissioners from 3:30-4:30 at the Meade Co. Courthouse, 1425 Sherman St., Sturgis, SD. We need to have a strong showing at this meeting!? The County Commissioners need to know how? many people are concerned about this new planned development! Everyone, please try to attend and bring a friend or relative.)

7.? Land that contains a sacred site or grave can have? restricted? use. Charmaine? will contact the State Archaeological Research Council to about this.
8.? Resolution for NCAI - Draft will be prepared.
9.? Letters can be sent by anyone to the Meade County Commissioners asking them not to approve any liquor licenses in a five-mile area surrounding Bear Butte. The address is: Meade County Commissioners, 1425 Sherman St., Sturgis, SD 57785
10.? State legislators from the Tribes could be contacted in person, by letter, by email about this situation and asking for? their help at the state level. They are Tom Van Norman, Cheyenne River Reservation; Paul Valandra, Rosebud Reservation; Theresa Two Bulls, Pine Ridge Reservation.
11.? The State-Tribal Relations Committee could be contacted.? Letters can be sent to: Chairman Stan Adelstein, State-Tribal Relations Committee, State Capitol, Pierre, SD 57501
12.? Indianz.com? is read by many people on the Internet. Send letters to the editor.
13.? Recommend ?boycotting? Broken Spoke Saloons until the plans to build so
near Bear Butte are abandoned.? Many foreign bikers go to these bars, so the? word needs to be spread in Europe.
14.? Who are other investors?
15. Research the National Historic Preservation Act regarding impacts from? surrounding area activities; also regarding aesthetic properties. Bear Butte is a National Historic Landmark. Chas offered to do this research.
16.? Bear Butte Lake is a National Wildlife Preserve. This area is a crossover area for both Eastern and Western birds.? Many stop at Bear Butte lake which is drying up. Anyone interested in looking at this aspect?
17. Defenders? position? from more than two years ago: no new building permits or liquor licenses within five-miles of? Bear Butte. Some of the tribes have passed resolutions with similar language. Copies are available at the office. A suggestion was made to have the ban from Highway 34 which is 4 miles away and is more realistic at this time.
18.? Lewis &? Clark Wacipi is this weekend in Pierre. Someone? should? attend? and? bring up this issue. (No takers at the meeting.)
19.? What youth can do: leaders in schools could speak on the radio and also attend County Commissioners meeting with the larger group. Tim will contact schools.
20.? A young girl offered to talk to Pepsi about putting on their cans, ?Protect Bear Butte.?
21.? A group of elders will contact the federal legislators.
22.? Radio interviews: KILI, KLND, others. ( UPDATE:? On Tues., Sept. 20, Delores Taken Alive gave a report? on the meeting on KLND Radio, covering Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Reservations.)
23.? Need a list of speakers for radio and newspaper interviews. If interested,? please? call the office to leave your name and phone number:? (605) 399-1868
24.? Carter will open a website: ProtectBearButte.net Anyone wishing to contact
him can email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Long term suggestions:

25.? Clean-up Day at Bear Butte - to be planned
26.? Educating people that ties and flags should be taken down and burned after 4-7 days.
27. Defenders should plan a Lakol Wacipi (Pow Wow).? Tim will work on this.

Other topics:
A Gathering of the Oceti Sakowin (Great Sioux Nation) will be held Thurs., Oct. 6
beginning at noon, and all day Fri., Oct. 7.? Defenders is one of the sponsors. Flyers and an agenda are enclosed. Black Hills Lakol Wacipi (Pow Wow) is Oct. 7-8-9, 2005. Della, Delores, and Linda offered to work at the Defenders booth.

Closing Prayer Song:? Tim White Face???????????? Submitted by:? Charmaine White Face, Coordinator

Mission Statement

"Defenders of the Black Hills is a group of volunteers without racial or tribal boundaries whose mission is to preserve, protect, and restore the environment of the 1851 and 1868 Treaty Territories, Treaties made between the United States and the Great Sioux Nation."

Speaking about radioactive fallout, the late President John F. Kennedy said,

"Even then, the number of children and grandchildren with cancer in their bones, with leukemia in their blood, or with poison in their lungs might seem statistically small to some, in comparison with natural health hazards. But this is not a natural health hazard and it is not a statistical issue. The loss of even one human life, or the malformation of even one baby who may be born long after we are gone, should be of concern to us all. Our children and grandchildren are not merely statistics toward which we can be indifferent."

July 26, 1963 upon signing the ban on above ground nuclear tests