Defenders of the Black Hills
Charmaine White Face interview on Free City Radio
Listen to an interview with Charmaine White Face from the Defenders of the Black Hills campaign, a campaign lead by indigenous activists in the US, pushing for a federal cleanup of toxic, abandoned uranium mines in South Dakota, Wyoming and Nebraska.
Native American Nations recommended to be allowed access to the UN Decolonization CommitteePress ReleaseNew York, NY -- On Oct. 28, 2013, United Nations Independent Expert Professor Alfred M. deZayas recommended to the UN Third Committee that the doors of the Decolonization Committee must also be opened to Indigenous nations including those from North America.
Indigenus Nations' Rights in the Balance, by Charmaine White Face, Zumila WobagaLiving Justice Press is pleased to announce the release this month of Indigenous Nations' Rights in the Balance
160 pages, indexed, $20.00